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Forge Bold, Courageous Leadership to
Flourish in a Challenging, Shifting World

Guiding Faith-Based Leaders Beyond Burnout, Overwhelm, and Stagnation Toward Durable Resilience, Purposeful Impact, and
Inspiring Action


Become a leader who can easily adapt to change, make key decisions under pressure, and remain unflappably calm
in the chaos of an anxious world. 

With the Conscious Leadership Compass - a unique and powerful coaching model - experience personalized coaching, spiritual direction, and transformative retreats so you can navigate the complexities of leadership with joy, grace, and confidence.

When You Encounter
Modern Challenges in Faith-based Leadership such as...


In an age of increasing loneliness and busyness, genuine spiritual friendships seem harder to forge. Many leaders feel isolated, even in crowded rooms or bustling congregations.

Grow with the Conscious Leadership Compass: A Sacred Partnership with the Holy Spirit to... 

Reconnect Authentically

Become the leader your congregation or organization needs. Grow in self-awareness and self-knowledge with compassionate, authentic, spiritually mature leadership.

Diverse Personalities, One Organization

In a rapidly changing world, bringing a diverse group together under a shared faith becomes increasingly challenging. Different personalities can mean different interpretations, leading to potential discord and leadership stress.

Create Mutual Understanding

Use neuro-based tools that reveal the core of personality types for yourself and the people you lead. Understand your organization's unique personalities, fostering unity in diversity.

Stress and Anxiety

We live in a quick-fix, distracted, anxious society. When the people you lead disagree with each other and with the vision, how do you tone down the stress and bring people together?

Grow Your Leadership Expertise 

Developing your leadership skills and growing in your spiritual journey with the Conscious Leadership Compass will give you the inner strength you need to remain a differentiated, highly effective leader.

Paths converge

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Spiritual Stagnation

Many yearn for deeper spiritual growth but find themselves trapped in a cycle of stagnation, unable to move beyond their current level of understanding and love of God.

Strengthen Spiritual Growth

Begin a new, transformative spiritual journey. With the Conscious Leadership Compass overcome barriers to spiritual growth and honest and necessary self-care to flourish in life and leadership.

Seeking God in a Secular World

Navigating faith and finding God's presence becomes increasingly challenging in a world that often seems indifferent or even hostile to spiritual pursuits.

Cultivate Calm in a Complex World

In a world that often feels overwhelming, bring calm, clarity, connection, and purpose to your church.

We know that God has a unique and amazing plan for each person and through each person, for each church and organization as well.

But we are often blind to what may be holding us back and blocking us from experiencing the deep love of God that helps us flourish.

The Conscious Leadership Compass is a powerful program to
increase personal self-awareness, enhance interpersonal connections,
and increase your capacity, courage, and confidence in leadership.

We bring neuro-based
self-awareness and growth
to these services:

Leadership Coaching
Personal Coaching
Spiritual Direction
Retreat Leadership


The Conscious Leadership Compass:

Discover the full potential of your leadership.
Rise above internal and external challenges to be a non-stressed,
non-anxious leader in an anxious world.

2 men reading the Bible underneath a tree

"Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24, ESV

"Debbie is a woman of integrity with a profound love for Jesus and a profound love for others. With discernment from God she desires to see others grow in knowing God and knowing themselves for the sake of wholeness and healing." 

~Heather Canup, Pastor for Discipleship

Deborah Owen

About Deborah Owen

After attending church my entire life and doing "all the things" (choirs, youth groups, handbells, Orff instruments, missions, Bible studies, church plays, etc., etc...), I felt like there was still something missing. I was spiritually thirsty.

That all changed a few years ago when one person began to disciple me one-on-one, teaching me about the transformative love of God. That kind of personal interest, combined with my own curiosity and desire to know and love God more, caused me to follow an entirely new direction in my life. I earned certifications in spiritual formation, spiritual direction, multiple coaching modalities, including the Enneagram, and I am currently pursuing a Doctor of Leadership degree through Portland Seminary (Oregon).

Accepting God's invitation to join him on this journey led to new discoveries about myself through the Enneagram. Then came a commitment to follow God's call to share Integrated Discipleship through Inside Out Ministries with tens of thousands of other "church-attenders" who are also spiritually thirsty.

I'm excited to work with you on your personal, professional, and spiritual journey. Let's talk so we can get started!


In a time when personal connections can feel fleeting, we always need deeper spiritual connection. 

The Conscious Leadership Compass program offers a bridge – a way to deeply understand the individual spiritual needs of those whom you lead.

As church members grow in self-awareness and self-knowledge their discipleship journey becomes a transformative experience.

Group meeting in circle
Deborah Owen Spiritual Director

The role of a leader extends beyond directives. It's about empathetically nurturing, guiding, and understanding. 

With the Neuro-based Enneagram, our preferred tool for increasing self-awareness, discover the intricate facets of your personality and those of your team. Develop the self-awareness that is crucial for growth and authentic leadership, and learn to lead with genuine compassion and wisdom.


As a leader your invitation is to follow Jesus and walk with the Holy Spirit in loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength... and your neighbor as yourself. To do this effectively, you also need to grow in self-knowledge.

That's where both Integrated Discipleship and the Neuro-based Enneagram come in, through the Conscious Leadership Compass.

Now you can know Jesus more clearly, love Jesus more dearly, and follow Jesus more nearly.

It's time to discover that God is already with you, right now and in every moment, with love so great, you can't even imagine it (Eph. 3:14-21).

It's time to discover your true leadership potential.


Unlock Your Leadership Potential:
The Universal Power of the Neuro-based Enneagram

Great leadership transcends domains and industries. At its core, it's about self-awareness, understanding others, and guiding with empathy. The Neuro-based Enneagram isn't just for church leaders – it's a tool that empowers leaders everywhere to ascend to their highest potential.

The Neuro-based Enneagram: A Tool for All Leaders

CEOs, team leads, educators, and professionals from various fields have harnessed the insights of the Neuro-based Enneagram.

From resolving conflicts to fostering team cohesion, the Neuro-based Enneagram plays a pivotal role.

  • Diverse Workplaces: Navigate the multifaceted personalities of any organization, fostering harmony and understanding.

    Effective Communication: Speak and act in ways that resonate, bridging gaps and fostering stronger connections.

  • Authentic Leadership: Discover the authentic leader within, guiding with empathy, understanding, and vision.

    Personal Growth: Journey inward to understand your strengths, areas of growth, and how best to lead.



    Deborah Owen coaching

    For Individuals

    If you fear, "I'm not enough...
    "If you feel like your "blind spots" keep blind-siding you...
    If you sometimes wonder, "I thought there was more to life than this..."
    Let's talk.

    Connect with God through spiritual direction, leadership coaching, and the Neuro-based Enneagram.

    Deborah Owen consulting

    For Churches

    Do people in your community look at your congregation and say, "What's going on there? I want to be part of that!" If not, let's talk.

    Through Discipleship Consulting let's build an "on-ramp" for spiritual growth that has a ripple effect, not only for your members, but also within your community.

    Deborah Owen teaching

    For Organizations

    A custom-designed workshop or retreat can dramatically turn around the spiritual health and maturity of your church or organization.

    With the Neuro-based Enneagram, you will uncover new ways to speak and listen to each other with compassion and empathy based on your unique personalities.

    "Deborah is a sincere and authentic seeker of God. She uses her gifts to encourage others on their journey with God in discovering more deeply God's love, forgiveness, healing, and wholeness"

    ~Jessica Neiman, MSW Children and Family Therapist

    Neuro-based Enneagram

    What is the Neuro-based Enneagram?

    With the Neuro-based Enneagram, you can discover your hidden, unconscious triggers that disrupt your relationships and prevent you from achieving your goals.

    Instead, explore how, in Christ, you are enough, you are appreciated, you are loved, you are unique, you are good, you are safe, you are fully equipped for life, and you are powerful in your authentic self!

    3 strands of a braided rope

    What is Integrated Discipleship?

    Do you want to see your church to thrive, and have a positive impact in your community? Do you want to see your individual church members to grow in faith and spiritual maturity, gradually becoming more like Christ?

    Integrated Discipleship is an approach to help your church grow... in faith, in spiritual maturity, in service to others, and in numbers.

    Love God, Love others, Make disciples

    Discover your purpose... so you can flourish!

    -- 86% of Americans (6 out of 7 adults) believe there is a universal, shared purpose of human life, and 2 out of every 3 (66%) believes they have a "unique, God-given calling or purpose."

    -- Yet fewer than 20% of the 71% who consider themselves to be Christians adopt the biblical view that our purpose is to know, love, and serve God.

    According to a Cultural Research Study at Arizona Christian University


    “The disconnect is staggering. As a nation we yearn for purpose and calling... Americans hold on to these basic biblical ideas of what makes human existence meaningful, yet, at the same time, we refuse to recognize reliance on God or His existence when talking about human success or purpose.”

    ~Dr. George Barna, CRC Director of Research and author of the American Worldview Inventory 2020, commenting on the statistics, above