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Church Consulting:
Grow a Disciplemaking Culture

Transformational Faith:
Imagine This Exciting New Spiritual Growth in Your Church...

Picture this future...

Your church community is obviously being transformed. You see them grow in spiritual maturity, confidently sharing their faith with others, and becoming more compassionate toward those in need.

They are devoted to one another, encouraging each other in their faith journey, and building deep and meaningful relationships as they do life together.

They gather to worship joyfully, expressing their love for God and gratitude for His blessings. Their prayers are powerful, and they actively seek God's guidance in their lives.

Church congregation from the balcony

As a result of this transformation, your church community becomes a beacon of hope and love to those around them. Your members reach out to their community with compassion and kindness, meeting the needs of those who are hurting and lost. They become a positive influence on their workplace, school, and neighborhood.

This loving community attracts others who are seeking hope, love, and acceptance. They are drawn to the joy and peace that radiates from your church community. They see the impact your church is making in the lives of those around them and want to be a part of it.

"At a time of transition in my life, I felt a need for a spiritual mentor who could direct the longings for more of God that I had been experiencing. Debbie has been that mentor, coach, and discipler, always pointing me to the Lord and His Word, helping me to remember that He is faithful and trustworthy. 

Not only do I see fruit in my own personal walk with the Lord because of Debbie's presence in my life, but I'm also seeing it bear fruit in the life of my congregation."
~Rev. Valerie Doering Crisman

Through Discipleship Consulting, and with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, I help churches develop a thriving and faith-growing disciplemaking culture. This culture ripples out and positively impacts your members and community.

We begin by discerning together how to implement the Integrated Discipleship approach in your context. (Click here for more information about this approach.)

The results of implementing the Integrated Discipleship approach can be seen in the Six Facets of Spirit-filled Discipleship Community. In Acts 2, these facets dramatically illustrated the early church's commitment to following Jesus's three core commands to Love God, Love others, and Make disciples

Spirit-filled discipleship community

6 Facets of Spirit-filled Discipleship Community

Acts 2:42-47 tells us how the members of the early church "did life together."

We use the Integrated Discipleship approach as an intentional spiritual growth pathway to help followers of Jesus become transformed from the inside out. As they grow more spiritually mature, it becomes easier to follow Jesus's three core commands: Love God; love others; make disciples.

A Barna study from 2021 found that fewer than half (49%) of churched adults can say, "My next steps for spiritual growth at this church are clear to me." Is it clear to your church members?

Let's talk about how the Integrated Discipleship approach could transform your people, church, and community, so you can see these 6 Facets in action too.

"Debbie Owen brings a tremendous amount of talent and enthusiasm to everything she does. When I served with her in a church setting, she was a valued member of our leadership team. Her deep faith in Christ, heart for evangelism, and passion for making disciples are contagious. There is no one I know who is more dedicated to building up the body of Christ and spreading the gospel than Debbie."

~Rev. Dr. Tim Dolan

How would committing to this mission and vision transform your people and your church?

The mission of Inside Out Ministries: By the power of the Holy Spirit, we help equip, encourage, and empower lay and staff church leaders to grow more spiritually mature as disciples of Jesus and to become joyfully effective disciplemakers.

The vision of Inside Out Ministries: This ministry leads to both personal and congregational inside-out transformation that creates deeply loving relationships with God, with each other, and within the community in which the leaders worship, witness, and serve.

Small group studying the Bible

How We Work With Your Church

These are our driving principles.

By grace and faith, our mission is accomplished as we strive to be:

Back of woman reading the Bible

Evangelical (Word-centered)

We walk with leaders to:
-- Study and live the word of God as expressed in scripture

-- Practice following the Attitude, Behavior, and Character (ABCs) of God the Son, Jesus of Nazareth. In scripture we see that Jesus, the Word of God, loved and welcomed everyone who came to him with an open and honest heart and mind, wherever they were on their life and spiritual journeys

-- Proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God with increasing confidence in everyday spiritual conversations and personal stories

2 men and 1 woman talking in coffee shop

Relational (Love-centered)

We walk with leaders so they can:
-- Practice the presence of God throughout their day and abide in Jesus
-- Know, worship, and fall in love with God
-- Identify themselves as beloved children of God
-- Increase in self-knowledge through the lens of the Neuro-based Enneagram
-- Love and serve their fellow saints
-- Learn and grow together in community as disciples and disciplemakers

-- Love their neighbors through witness, social justice, compassion, and service

Intentional prayer

Intentional (Action-centered)

We promote and nurture leaders' desire and ability to:

-- Create space in their lives to grow in these spiritual relationships, practices, and disciplines

-- Cooperate with and allow the Holy Spirit to transform them from the inside out