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Deborah Owen

Grow as a follower of Jesus

Grow to know yourself better

Books and Courses


From The Inside Out

“Is this all there is to life? Isn’t there supposed to be something… more?”

Do questions like these gnaw at you and stir up doubts about the real meaning and purpose of your life? If so, you are not alone. However, the answers are astoundingly simple.

In From the Inside Out, Enneagram life coach and spiritual director, Deborah C. Owen, introduces you to Integrated Discipleship and accompanies you on your journey with Jesus, so you can enter into a new life rich with meaning and purpose through Spirit-led, intentional, inside-out transformation.

You are also encouraged to get the journal.

Not available quite yet... Coming soon!

From the Inside Out

Some people love to read. 

Some people don't. And that's OK.

There's something here for each of you.

Just because every time another book arrives at our house my husband threatens to get steel supports for underneath my study, it doesn't mean that everyone who wants to know more about the Neuro-based Enneagram or about Integrated Discipleship wants to read. 

That's why you can interact with the material in multiple formats.

For the book-lover, you've got the print book and the print journal. For the too-busy person or the non-reader, you've got a video course and/or an audiobook, as well as online journal options.

Everyone has the option to join the online video course and participate in an online cohort. 

That means one person in your small group might read the print book, while another reads the Kindle version, another listens while they drive, and another watches the video. 

Cool. You can all still be in the same small group of spiritual companions. 


Understand yourself better. Grow as a follower of Jesus.

Neuro-based Enneagram

The Neuro-based Enneagram: A Free Introductory Course

Why do you keep making the same mistakes when you "know better"? What are the personality traits that cause you to get stuck in unhelpful patterns?

Click below to start your path to self-discovery and a life of transformed relationships.

Coming soon!

From the Inside Out - course

From the Inside Out

“Is this all there is to life? Isn’t there supposed to be something… more?”

Do questions like these gnaw at you and stir up doubts about the real meaning and purpose of your life? If so, you are not alone.

Either a stand-alone course, or as a supplement to the book by the same name.  
Coming soon!

Neuro-based Enneagram

The Neuro-based Enneagram:  
Blind Spots and Sweet Spots

What are your "sweet spots"? And how do your "blind spots" sabotage all your good intentions? 

When you discover more about your unconscious, hidden motivations and triggers, it can transform all your relationships.  

Coming soon!