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Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Coaching

Walking together so you can
discern your purpose


"It's not important to me how you do it. I just want to be able to go from where I am to where I know I need to be."

I was speaking with a spiritual directee. She kept asking me questions that I felt were more appropriate for coaching than for spiritual direction. I finally told her, "I'll take off my spiritual direction hat and put on my coaching hat for just a moment." 

By the time the session was done I said to her, "Well, we ended up with almost as much coaching as direction today." 

When my directee said, "It's not important to me how you do it. I just want to be able to go from where I am to where I know I need to be", I had an epiphany. I realized I could combine my uniquely varied background, skills, certifications, and experiences and, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, walk with my clients and directees on an extraordinary and unique pathway to an encounter with God. 

Matt. 4:19-20:  Jesus said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.”

Old fishing boat

[Purpose-driven response:] Immediately, they left their nets and followed him. 

So that is what I do now. I offer spiritual direction, coaching, and discipleship, either individually, or in the unique combination I call spiritual coaching. 

I help you identify where you are now, and what aspects of God's invitations you long to have revealed in your life. Sometimes I ask you spiritual direction questions. Sometimes we use the 7 Steps to a Life of Purpose. In all cases, we aim for discernment of God's direction in your life and relationships.

“My relationship with Debbie has been life-giving in this season. She intentionally weaves Biblical truth, experience and lovingkindness into every session we have together.“ 

~Julie Lenocker, directee, congregant

What is spiritual direction?

A spiritual director is someone who accompanies individuals in their quest to know God, love God, and hear the voice of God in their lives. The director helps the directee notice the grace and presence of the Holy Spirit already within their heart and mind.

The Holy Spirit is the real spiritual director; the human director is someone who is skilled in listening, holding silence and asking questions that cultivate the soil of the directee's heart. The Holy Spirit plants the seed, and together the director and directee seek to nourish its growth.

What is coaching?

When a client desires to reach their full potential in a particular area of life, coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client.

The coach assists the client with directed questions and intentional processes - such as the 7 Steps to a Life of Purpose - helping the client gain new skills with creativity and imagination.

  • The best coaches know that every client already possesses the answers they seek within their own minds and hearts. They may just need help releasing the answers.

  • What is spiritual coaching?

    Spiritual coaching, as developed by Deborah Owen, is a unique combination of coaching, spiritual direction, and discipleship, led by the presence, power, and grace of the Holy Spirit. Coaching modalities include Strategic Intervention, the Neuro-based Enneagram, and Transformational Coaching, with lay-level neuroscience included for greater understanding and inner transformation.

    I walk alongside individuals and communities in their spiritual and life journeys to help you discern a unique and exciting path forward.

    On the way, you grow to love, know, and serve God with all your heart , soul, mind. and strength, developing resilence in life and relationships... no matter what your past is

    "I was the grateful recipient of Spiritual Direction sessions with Debbie. Her faith guides her in everything she does, and she is always striving for deeper spiritual meaning in her own life. This makes her a wonderful spiritual guide.

    She is kind, caring, intuitive, and generous. Her vast knowledge gives her a solid base in scripture. She creates a safe spiritual space in each session. Debbie really helped me move forward in my faith journey.

    ~Peggy Luderer, directee, congregant

    When you are ready to deepen your relationship with God, and to allow God to transform your heart...

    or when you are seeking discernment regarding important decisions or life changes...we lean into spiritual direction.

    And when you are seeking new skills or new outcomes in life, or you are struggling with "being stuck"...we lean into coaching. 

    In many cases, spiritual direction is our starting point, because knowing and loving God always comes first.

    7 Steps to a life of purpose