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Integrated Discipleship

You are exquisitely created by God
to be connected with others...
While growing in love and in your unique personality

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Do you want to see your church thrive, and have a positive impact in your community? Do you want to see your individual members grow in faith as they become more like Christ?

Jesus invites each of us to walk a spiritual journey of transformation from the inside out, so we may then witness and help show God's light in a dark world: "You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world..."
(Matt. 5:13, 14).

Integrated Discipleship is an approach to help your church grow... in faith and in numbers.

In Christian discipleship, we are training to become more like Jesus as we learn to do what he commanded: Love God; love others; make more disciples. 

Spiritual path

Each church needs a defined pathway for people to become more like Christ.

-Does your church have a reliable, repeatable pathway for spiritual growth?

-Do many of your members have some sort of consistent "quiet time" multiple days a week, where they read the Bible and pray?

-Do they know how to read the Bible for transformation, not just for information?

-Do you have some sort of small-group ministry where members commit to help each other grow in Christ?

-Does your church community have a system for replicating followers of Jesus?

-Do your members have both an inward focus (spiritual growth) and an outward focus (local and regional missions, as well as global missions to show that we belong to a global church)?

If not, PLEASE CLICK HERE and let's talk.

"Individual discipleship with Debbie Owen has been one of the most important events to shape my life. Through the discipleship time, with her insight and knowledge of the scripture, compassion, and love of God, Debbie turns on the lights in my sometimes dim mind, opens the window of my heart and points to the direction for my eyes to see the way, so I can walk the path. She does it with genuine encouragement, patience, and positivity every step of the way."

-- Yerim Kang, Disciplee 

Integrated Discipleship

The Integrated Discipleship Approach for Churches

The Integrated Discipleship approach to spiritual formation is a new way to entwine 3 elements that are often "siloed":

-- Interpersonal small-group relationships: To help create a community-based disciplemaking culture. Do life together, pray together and learn how to read the Bible in order to help each other grow in Christ and show love to others. 

-- Individual spiritual formation: For inside-out transformation. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit through intentional disciplines to become more like Jesus.

-- Increasing self-knowledge: Using the lens of the Neuro-based Enneagram for increased self-awareness and self-knowledge, be - and become - the authentic, beloved child of God you were created to be.


The love of God is revealed in the world when intentional followers of Jesus joyfully discover together how to:
love God, love others, and make disciples.

Coupled with increasing self-knowledge they then begin to experience personal transformation to a new self-identity:
Beloved child of God.

The strands of a braided rope not only keep the rope together, but enable the rope to distribute tension more evenly among the individual strands

Each strand of this discipleship model is necessary to help people withstand life's weight, pressure, and tension.

When you braid or twist ropes together you need to keep the binding force consistent, or else you may introduce weak areas in the rope. 

You must pay attention to each of the three components consistently, or one area will become weak, and not do its part in building up the disciple’s soul.

A braided rope has better abrasion resistance than a single strand. And a braided rope has more elasticity than single strands. 

There are always abrasions in life that catch us by surprise. In addition, sometimes you need to be able to stretch a little. When all three components of disciplemaking are flourishing equally, you are better prepared to handle life's surprises and to self-identity as the authentic, beloved child of God you truly are.

Integrated Discipleship is the approach used to help grow Integrated Disciples. 

The Integrated Disciple:

When you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength...

As you grow in your love of God, there is no part of you that does not long to know God even more fully and completely. 

Silhouette of praying man with setting sun
Love your neighbor

...and your neighbor as yourself.

As you are more and more full of the love of God, it splashes out all over everyone else! Look for opportunities for: mission; hospitality; social justice; service; and disciple making.